Страница Alice Cullen ВКонтакте

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Alice Cullen

104 года, Grand Forks, США

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Grand Forks







Дата рождения

21 февраля 1920

Полных лет

104 года

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A. Full name and surname. Mary Alice Brandon Cullen. B. My age. Born in 1901 in Biloxi. In 1920 he became a vampire. C. Russ. Vampire. D. Biography. As I wrote above, I was born in 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi. The family was the second child, not so welcome as my sister Cynthia. Without waiting for my age, my "good" parents put me in a mental hospital. All of this happened because of the fact that had the ability to predict the future. My parents decided that it was not quite normal, and hide me in the hospital. At the hospital, the doctor caring for me, who tried to help me, but the ability can not escape, she was given to me at birth. Now for years I had the same mode, I sometimes thought of the parents and the house, but never missed everything that was before the room. No, I did not like in a mental hospital, but it was better than living with your relatives hate. Who knew that there are supernatural? Who would have thought that this supernatural I will, Mary Alice Brandon? Yes ... Tions, James, bloodhound, eager to catch me. However, and not the man he was at all, but a vampire.It was he who, experiencing warm feelings toward me, wanting to help, bit me, making a vampire.The first time was hard, but I do not remember anything that was before I became a vampire, the rite of initiation, I just could not remember. Thanks to his abilities, I found another vampire, and waylaid him in a tavern. It was Jasper Whitlock, former military man.I met him in the institution and said that I know who he is and that there are others, such as we - the Cullens. While the Cullen family lived in Alaska. That's where we went to Jasper. Upon arrival, I felt like home, because she knew that a family of vampires accept us with open arms. The family were unusual Cullen vampires - they held a special diet, which I readily accepted. It Cullens were my first real family, where I was loved and respected to this day. And about the past, I vsponimayu very, very rarely, because now I live with the present and my beloved family, and to me my faithful and no less beloved husband Jasper!) ♥♥♥ I love my family! ♥♥♥ :*)

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