Страница Ricardo Villar ВКонтакте

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Ricardo Villar

Marbella, Испания

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31 января

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06 ноября 2023 в 07:01

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San Agustin


ESDEN Business School

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Looking for new open mind friends all over the world. Ищете новых друзей по всему миру. Saludos Hello everyone ... those who visit me ! , I love everything about the avant-garde, whether music, film, design, technology, architecture, am a lover of good music rock , pop , house , techno , trance, since childhood despite the time I started .... listening groups or soloists as Rolling Stones, Pretenders , Patti Smith , Pink Floyd , Who, Supertramp , Police, Clash, David Bowie, Roxi Music, Bob Dylan , Neil Young, Yes , Fleetwood Mac , Kate Bush , The Cure, Linda Ronstadt, Pat Benatar, and many, garbage later , dream theater , elastic , muse , years later , electronic music .... Peter murphy, Invisible Limits, Icehouse , Cosmic baby , The Mission, SA42 , Front 242, Anne clark , Sisters of mercy , Moby, Megabeat ... all the amazing music of that era and the music as brasileira , mpb , ax , so that was a nice and interesting discovery. If you ask me what do you like ? I would say that travel, music , cinema. Tourism also is a pleasure of a school's life, my life was varied , full and complicated in many ways, I did many crazy things for love, see new places or simply because they gave me at that time have been very romantic .... and I think I 'm still being despite all disappointments received still believe that love is the most beautiful in the world and we all have soulmates somewhere ... From a young age , I always attracted the business world although sometimes very harsh and unfair because you take real sticks and effort is not rewarded . I love meeting new people whenever people authentic , no nonsense, falsehood and wickedness that lead to nothing ... I wish with all my soul ... be happy again one day , for at least a good season. I love the speed on a motorcycle, car, plane, makes me feel free, .. Well this world is unknown , continually changing and not for spinning ....

Мои интересы

Good music, traveling, films, read, design, business, internet

Любимые книги

Brida, The alchemist, fuego griego

Любимая музыка

Rolling Stones, Pretenders, Patti Smith, Pink Floid, Who, Supertramp, Police, Clash, David Bowie, Roxi Music, Bod Dylan, Neil Young, Yes, Fleetwood Mac, Kate Bush, The Cure, Linda Ronstadt, Pat Benatar, Garbage, Dream Theater, Elástica, Muse, Peter murphy, Invisible Limits, Icehouse, Cosmic baby, The Mission, SA42, Front 242, Anne clark, Sisters of mercy, Moby, Megabeat

Любимые цитаты

Del pasado no se vive...solo se aprende.

"Chega um momento na vida em que vc sabe quem é importante pra você,quem nunca foi,quem não é mais e quem o será sempre."

La vida es todo lo que te sucede mientras intentas realizar tus planes.

La amistad es un alma que habita en dos cuerpos; un corazón que habita en dos almas.

La vida sin musica seria insoportable...

El secreto de la salud mental y corporal, esta en no lamentarse por el pasado,no preocuparse por el futuro ni adelantarse a los problemas, sino vivir sabia y seriamente el ahora. Buda.

Lo esperado no sucede, es lo inesperado lo que acontece.Eurípides

Si ya sabes lo que tienes que hacer y no lo haces entonces estás peor que antes.Confucio

Un hermano puede no ser un amigo, pero un amigo será siempre un hermano.Demetrio de Falero

Existen dos maneras de ser feliz en esta vida, una es hacerse el idiota y la otra serlo.Freud

La verdad es lo que dice tu voz interior.Ghandi

Lo que sabemos es una gota de agua; lo que ignoramos es el océano.Isaac Newton

El auténtico amigo es el que lo sabe todo sobre ti y sigue siendo tu amigo.
Kurt Cobain

Un Amigo nunca te dice lo que Tú quieres escuchar, te dice la verdad y lo que es mejor para ti.

Un amigo no es aquel que te da la razón en todo, sino el que te contradice cuando no la llevas.

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